Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Information Technology Burn Out ?

What did people  do before  the  Personal Computer age? Or as  some of us might call it today the prehistoric days? Im sure if you tell a  7 year old  that you were  born before iPod ever existed the look on the  childs face will make U feel as old as  a dinosaur  !!!! :)

The last couple of years my life (or lack there of ! lol ) has increasingly  become  packed in this box  set on top of  my desk in my bedroom  called my  Computer!. I dont get out of the house much, most of my day is spent sitting infront of my  computer,doing various tasks, social networking, watching  or reading tutorials  for various video production softwares, blogging, twittering,reading on the latest released or  up and  coming  gadgets  and  softwares, chatting, watching  video streams  of other peoples lives!!, and up until a couple of months  ago streaming live  video and chat of my own !. So not only do I not have an actual social life  now this has affected my  Rheumatoid Arthritis as well !! Sitting infront of the computer for  hours   a  day in one position for me  is like drinking poison for  a  totally healthy person! Another thing I have noticed is   how out of touch

But  dont get me  wrong  once in a  while  when my parents manage to get me out of my room kicking  and  screaming  (LOL), I actually have a  great  time !!.

I know people that have  it even worst  than me !! Friends of mine who are OPs on  and wyldryde IRC (geek talk LOL ) Fireman 17 and CM!

Fireman17 is  basically a  24/7  OP on both those networks!! When I say 24/7 Im not kidding you and he is also a  volunteer fireman during the day ( one step ahead of me there cause atleast he has a  semi job out of the house!! ) This poor soul doesnt get any sleep  at  night  except  for maybe  20 or  30 minutes a night!! How  he  survives this is beyond my understanding!! To give U a better understanding of the scope of his online 24/7 activities  I should tell you that he has to police at least 30 or  so chatrooms on  and  at least 30 or  so chats on the wyldryde network!!

The same thing  but  at a smaller scale goes for CM.

If  you are just an occasional internet user then you are not at all familiar  with what Im about  to talk  about, but if U  are an  avid internet user like myself  and  my friends CM and Fireman17  then U  may even have experienced what im about  to talk about.Internet bullying  and harassment!!. Im not  going to go into  alot of detail about this  cause its  out of the range of the topic of this post. But I will say this much. A few months  ago  me and a   group of my online buddies  went  through a  big Internet bullying  and harassment case that got dragged for a few months  almost everyday  the same group of people  from  would harass me and my friends!!. Dont get me wrong Im not writing this to start up anything with or  those people (most of  whom Im friends  with now cause they manned up  and apologized ),  but Im just mentioning it as a  side effect of losing your life  to the attractive trap I call the Internet !!. The amount of stress that this can cause  in  someone's  life ( or lack there of ) that is  wholly internet dependant, is incredible  and can even cause physical and emotional sickness and illness and distress!. Now my friends Fireman17 and CM are going through  something  similar but I doubt as intense  as what I went through, by the same  group of people  who masterminded  the attacks on me  back then !! for more info on that go to :


Back when I used to stream live video on http://www.,  and other streaming services, I had become this hypnotized zombie, sitting  at my desk staring at my monitor, waiting  for people to come in to my chatroom  so I could talk to them!!! I would not even get out of my room  for dinner or lunch!! Id bring them up  and eat infront of my camera  setup so I could  chat  with the peeps in my chat room!! For  a  while id even leave my camera on at nights when I went to bed  and my stream truely 24/7  so people  could watch me  sleep!! LOL, so I finally came to  and  saw it  for the horrific addiction that it was  since  about 2 months ago.


With the  rapid  growth  in popularity and number of social networking sites, Instant messaging programs, smart phones and devices I foresee a sudden crash and halt of this culture coming soon, either that or  an isolationist way of life  brought on by the abuse or miss use of devices or programs  that were once designed to bring us together!!!


Well thats  my  story and opinion, leave me comments and tell me  what  you think :)


Talk to y'all later.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ok so I dont go out much, Im usually sitting infront of my computer everyday, but when I do go out occasionally, I have a great time. Saturday we went to a park picnic with our Iranian friends, yes the same ones we went out with a few weeks earlier to another park. These guys are huge fans of picnicking in the park and BBQing :) The Drive was close to 2 hours and 45 minutes from our house!!! It was a beautiful place and alot of fun. Unfortunately it was a bit of a bug and mosquito fest!! We were eaten alive by bugs and mosquitoes!! I have mosquito bites in places I never even knew existed!!! LOL

"The Nightmare"

Early this morning I woke up with one of the most disturbing nightmares I have had in years!! I am going to try and describe the nightmare to U in detail here

It was late at night like about midnight and the weather was very warm and humid so me and my grandma decided to get out of the house for a short walk to cool off. We were right infront of our house and my grand ma was a few steps in front of me when I noticed something strange in the dark and cloudy midnight sky over the city. It looked like 2 passenger planes ( or the blinking lights that U C ). One of them took my notice. It seemed like it was just hanging in the air ( kind of like how a helicopter does ). Then after a few seconds it started slowly spinning in one direction and then the other direction!!! I thought it was doing some sort of an acrobatics air show!! (Talk about being stupid in my own nightmare!!! LOL ). So I pointed it out to my grand ma and said: Look its doing some sort of cool strange acrobatics show!!

After a few seconds the plane stopped spinning and it seemed to move forward like a normal aircraft would , flying. that didnt last more than a few seconds!! All of a sudden the tip of the plane took a deep dive!! Right then I realized that all along the plane had been experiencing technical problems and now it was going to fall to the ground!!

I screamed from the top of my lungs to my grandma: Its going to fall!! Its going to fall !!!!

and then the plane picked up an incredible amount of speed and came almost straight down and then disappeared from sight, after a few seconds a cloud of smoke and fire rose up from the ground afar !!

Me and my grandma in shock and distress ran inside the house to tell my parents about what we just saw and figure out whats happened. there was nothing on TV about what had just happened. So I went upstairs to tell my mom. After I told her everything I took a look outside from the window to C whats going on. What I saw was horrific !! Fire had engulfed the whole city and was rapidly growing and spreading like the domino effect taking over buildings and houses and it was only two more rows of houses until it was going to reach ours!!! so me and my mom ran downstairs screaming Fire Fire !!! Get Out !!!

and right then I woke up!!

Surprisingly I didnt wake up screaming or anything like that but rather very calm but disturbed!!!

Well that was my nightmare for you.

C yall later.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Technical Prtoblems

Ok, so Its been a long while since I last updates my blog  with actual words!! Ive been busy with Adobe After Effects  CS3,as U can C in my previous 2 posts. But what Ive been trying to figure out  is this Aspect ratio issue Ive been having lately with Adobe After Effects CS3!! here is the link to my problem:

If U guys can help me with my problem I really appreciate it !! .


Any ways, sooo whats  up? LOL As if I can hear  you like this !!! LOL


I just missed one week of my favorite show Tuesday Night Tech on and now I hear there was alot of Drama and stuff!! wow

They mustve really missed me! LOL

Believe it or not ever since I started using twitter, its made blogging harder for me, cause I usually say whatever comes to my  mind in my tweets!! And sometimes it feels like there is nothing left to blog about!!!

Is  you are interested in video production, if U are a  video producer, editor, director and  want to socialize  with others in this industry join my ning network:

Anyways, thats  all  for now  folks!! :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A short video I made using Adobe After Effects CS3

Monday, July 07, 2008

This is a video ad I made for :

Thursday, July 03, 2008


Well, the other night I went to C the movie WALLE with my dad. It was a very interesting experience. With the lack of dialogue (Less than 1 percent) in this movie the creators had to rely heavily on building the characters through showing their emotions with very well done facial expressions and giving the characters very likeable and cute personalities. In my opinion this totally made up for the lack of dialogue.


Aside from that I think the movie had a few very interesting and somewhat subtle messages for the viewer. The main message of the movie was for us to take care of our planet and be more environmentally aware. However WALLE had an underlying message which I found very interesting.The movie held Big Corporation responsible for all bad that has come to humanity. Under the name BigNLarge which owns everything from soft drinks to gas stations and supermarket chains, Big Corporation was portrayed as a manipulative, brainwashing force behind everything that had happened to humanity. Good example of this is the classroom scene where the teacher is teaching the preschoolers:" A is For Axiom... B is for BigNLarge..."


Another yet subtle message of the movie was the effect of computers and the Internet on our daily lives.Everyone was so busy staring at the hologram monitors in front of them that they were totally out of touch with themselves and their surroundings and  machines had took control of their lives. But once the system was shut off it was like they all woke up from this deep coma they were in.


All in all the movie was very nice and worth seeing.

Thats all for now :)