What did people do before the Personal Computer age? Or as some of us might call it today the prehistoric days? Im sure if you tell a 7 year old that you were born before iPod ever existed the look on the childs face will make U feel as old as a dinosaur !!!! :)
The last couple of years my life (or lack there of ! lol ) has increasingly become packed in this box set on top of my desk in my bedroom called my Computer!. I dont get out of the house much, most of my day is spent sitting infront of my computer,doing various tasks, social networking, watching or reading tutorials for various video production softwares, blogging, twittering,reading on the latest released or up and coming gadgets and softwares, chatting, watching video streams of other peoples lives!!, and up until a couple of months ago streaming live video and chat of my own !. So not only do I not have an actual social life now this has affected my Rheumatoid Arthritis as well !! Sitting infront of the computer for hours a day in one position for me is like drinking poison for a totally healthy person! Another thing I have noticed is how out of touch
But dont get me wrong once in a while when my parents manage to get me out of my room kicking and screaming (LOL), I actually have a great time !!.
I know people that have it even worst than me !! Friends of mine who are OPs on ustream.tv and wyldryde IRC (geek talk LOL ) Fireman 17 and CM!
Fireman17 is basically a 24/7 OP on both those networks!! When I say 24/7 Im not kidding you and he is also a volunteer fireman during the day ( one step ahead of me there cause atleast he has a semi job out of the house!! ) This poor soul doesnt get any sleep at night except for maybe 20 or 30 minutes a night!! How he survives this is beyond my understanding!! To give U a better understanding of the scope of his online 24/7 activities I should tell you that he has to police at least 30 or so chatrooms on ustream.tv and at least 30 or so chats on the wyldryde network!!
The same thing but at a smaller scale goes for CM.
If you are just an occasional internet user then you are not at all familiar with what Im about to talk about, but if U are an avid internet user like myself and my friends CM and Fireman17 then U may even have experienced what im about to talk about.Internet bullying and harassment!!. Im not going to go into alot of detail about this cause its out of the range of the topic of this post. But I will say this much. A few months ago me and a group of my online buddies went through a big Internet bullying and harassment case that got dragged for a few months almost everyday the same group of people from ustream.tv would harass me and my friends!!. Dont get me wrong Im not writing this to start up anything with ustream.tv or those people (most of whom Im friends with now cause they manned up and apologized ), but Im just mentioning it as a side effect of losing your life to the attractive trap I call the Internet !!. The amount of stress that this can cause in someone's life ( or lack there of ) that is wholly internet dependant, is incredible and can even cause physical and emotional sickness and illness and distress!. Now my friends Fireman17 and CM are going through something similar but I doubt as intense as what I went through, by the same group of people who masterminded the attacks on me back then !! for more info on that go to :
Back when I used to stream live video on http://www. Ustream.tv, http://live.yahoo.com/paykan and other streaming services, I had become this hypnotized zombie, sitting at my desk staring at my monitor, waiting for people to come in to my chatroom so I could talk to them!!! I would not even get out of my room for dinner or lunch!! Id bring them up and eat infront of my camera setup so I could chat with the peeps in my chat room!! For a while id even leave my camera on at nights when I went to bed and my stream truely 24/7 so people could watch me sleep!! LOL, so I finally came to and saw it for the horrific addiction that it was since about 2 months ago.
With the rapid growth in popularity and number of social networking sites, Instant messaging programs, smart phones and devices I foresee a sudden crash and halt of this culture coming soon, either that or an isolationist way of life brought on by the abuse or miss use of devices or programs that were once designed to bring us together!!!
Well thats my story and opinion, leave me comments and tell me what you think :)
Talk to y'all later.