Monday, June 30, 2008

I am HOT !!! LOL

One super scorching day today!! It was plus 32 C  all day!! And I was seriously melting!!. Of all the days I could've used Cold Drinks or Ice cream we were out of both!!!


And YES that Rice Ice cream is extremely tasty and way better than any Soy products!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Can anyone help me with my After Effects problem?

Adobe Forums - After Effects wide screen

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Late Update

Hi everybody. Its been a few days since I updated my blog. I have been lazy and busy at the same time. I also have been looking for a desktop publishing app for my blog so I dont have to come to every time. I found a plugin for Firefox called ScribeFire that I am using right now for this post.

Anyways this past Sunday was probably the hottest Ive ever experienced since coming to Canada 12 years ago. To avoid the heat at home we went to a park picnic with another Iranian family. It was a beautiful and big park at that.

As you ca C from the picture below a river runs through the park that just makes it even more beautiful.

And here is a pic of me at the park before I discovered a huge spider is crawling up my Jeans!!!! (ewww) I wish U could C me in my Jeans, I looked so 80's!! LOL

I have decided to do Powerjug everyday for at least 45 minutes a day and the last couple of days I took my camera with me to show U guys how unfinshed our neighborhood is !!!

So, no air conditioning, and not able to open windows, a nice cold glass of Aab Aalbaaloo (Sour Chery Juice) made in Iran is the only thing that keeps me cool everyday up in Hell Warm room!!!

Ill talk to U guys soon :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Yesterday we had one of the hottest days of summer Ive ever experienced since coming to Canada 12 years ago!! It was 22C outside but in the house it felt like Hell!! Specially with no air conditioning yet since the house isnt even done!!! My room was so hot I had to drink 3 huge
glasses of berry juice mixed with Cold water and Ice!! :

and Im the kind of person that never drinks that much liquid during the day!! LOL

Today is another equally scorching day at 20C!! When u have a house that doesn't have an air conditioning and is located in an area so new that they are still building houses. when U open your windows, you are bound to get alot of bugs and sorts in the house!! Specially bees!! Now my room is located upstairs and my mom who is stting downstairs just screamed and when I asked whats going on she said "Bee!! A bee just flew in!!! . I hate bugs and bees and quiet frankly Im terrified of them!!. I just went to a frantic state when I realized that a bee has flown in to the house!! U shouldve seen me!!! LOL Screaming like a little girl even though the bee was no where near where I am. I didnt even C or hear the bee!! LOL. I think I seriously need therapy for my fear of insects and bees and snakes and even some human being (Joking) LOL!!

By the way Im having a glass of berry juice exactly like yesterdays right now !!! :)

Ok here is what i had for lunch Yesterday Its called Khoresh Karafs (Celery Stew):

talk to U guys later !! :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hay everybody. How U doin?
OK so here is whats been bothering me technologically lately.
A few weeks back after we moved to our new city, we changed our cell phones and got new LG285 model. If am not mistaken (And if I am please correct me and let me know) this phone is supposedd to come with a USB 2.0 cable for connecting it to the PC. But the cable is no where to be found!!! I looked at the package and t doesnt say anything about any USB2.0 being included!! I also checked the internet to C if I can buy this USB for my phone from anywhere with out any luck!!. here is a pic of my phone. The One On the Left is the one Im talking about:

I am posting a pic of my computer setup for U tech lovers:

And finally this is the pasta I had for Lunch today:

Ill talk to U all later :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ok I just took a few pictures of the outside of our house today and here they are:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This is a video Ive made from our move from Edmonton to Calgary!!!

Enjoy the video :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ok. Hi again !! Its been a long whle since I last updated well cause I had lost my password and username!! LOl I just found them today!! Alot has happened since my last update!! I have moved to Calgary now. I am a member of twitter!! U can follow me there. I started Life casting .

As of now my lifecasting URL is

But I dont do it as often as I used too.

and also Im a member of !!!! Join this website and make some money !!

Ill talk to u guys later