Wednesday, November 30, 2005

You gotta love Canadian Politics!!!! Its just so quiet specially compared to American Politics.The only people in Canada who actually know whats going on in theire government, are those who follow Canadian politics very carefully. The TV news here is almost always about the Bush administration ( Or who ever is in charge in the States at the time ) . You rarely see Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin on TV!!!! The other day I just found out that Canada is having a re election sometime this January!!! We just had one a few months ago!!!!As to whats going on?? I have no idea.

If BUSH sneeze's oneday, it will make it to the world media news right that second

Headlines: BUSH sneezed today!!!

Then on the other hand, Canada is having a re election and not even 20 % ( Not factual ) of CANADIANS are aware of it!!!!!
Aint that funny??
I think this the main reason why Canada is such a peacfull country in the world and in its foreign policy.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sahand you are doing a great job at

Keep up the beautiful work.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Whats up with France?? Why all these riots all of the sudden??

I think its just waiting to become the second Middle East.
I mean the big weapon making companies of the world have to somehow make a profit!!! right?? After the whole Middle East issue comes to an end , when the IRAQ war is over, Palestanian and Israelis become friends and finally the Iranian regime is Finito,Trouble has to start somewhere else in the world, Why not France??? What do you guys think???