Thursday, May 04, 2006

So Yesturday I wrote an e-mail to the author of the letter mentioned in my last post below. He responded to my email. Here is my e-mail to him and then his response to me:

1) My email :

Dear Madam or Sir Hi. I am writting to you regarding your email of all let me make sure that you remember word for word, what you wrote in that e-mail to the mentioned website :"Regarding your web site, in which you have solicited donations for survivors of the earthquake in Iran, you need to understand the earthquake was part of God's plan. First, let us admit that Muhammad himself was an infidel who rejected Jesus as the Son of God. Second, your people have consistently used the excuse of "jihad" to kill innocent people throughout the world. All people are God's children, and all killing is unjust; when we kill our brothers and sisters in Christ, we are, in fact, killing Jesus himself all over again. As Muslims reject Christianity, the frequent earthquake in Iran are God's retribution for your infidelity to Him. I feel sorry for the innocents but, let's face it: if any nation deserves it, it is yours. In all honesty, I pray for more earthquakes, plagues,starvation, and sickness to befall your nation:maybe then you will stop threatening the rest ofthe world with your idiotic behavior and rejection of the Son of God. Shalom, my brother.Order of Franciscans of the Lax Observance, Texas Catholic Worker, Round Rock, Texas." My name is ASHKAN and I am a Muslim born IRANIAN-CANADIAN. When I read your e-mail online,I was shocked!!!!I could not believe what I was reading!!!I am writting to enlighten you about the IRANIAN PEOPLE and take away your huge misunderstanding about us. Believe me when I tel lyou that over 90 % of the IRANIAN PEOPLE are against the blood sucking unhumane IRANIAN REGIME. If you see IRANIAN's on TV supporting the NUCLEAR program in street rallies and demonstrations in IRAN, its because they are forced by the REGIME to do that!!!If the financial future of the IRANIAN's in IRAN was provided for by a democratized WESTERN government, the people in IRAN would go to streets and topple this REGIME in a matter of days!!!And also let me tell you another thing. The people who do these horrible acts of TERRORISM in the name of ISLAM, are not real MUSLIMS and this is not the real ISLAM. As far as I know nowhere in QURAN, does it justify such inhumane acts of TERRORISM. Now, with all due respect I have a few questions for you: If the Earthquakes and other disasters in IRAN are acts of GOD or GOD's plan for the reasons you have mentioned in your e-mail,then tell me what is GOD punishing the AMERICAN PEOPLE for,during the HURRICANE SEASON every single year,with the the hundreds of tornados and huricanes that ruin homes and take away many lives?? Tell me, what have the poor people of NEW ORLEANS done to deserve such a huge disaster??? Or perhaps you think that the IRANIAN PEOPLE are responsible for these weather related diasters,and not GOD.!!!! I hope that now you see the IRANIAN PEOPLE seperate from the IRANIAN REGIME.May GOD bless us all with more compassion for humanity.

2) His response back to my e-mail :

Dear Madam or Sir,In response to your email, which I only skimmed after you acknowledged yourself as being a member of that Satanic cult, I have only this to say: when you write, " My name is ASHKAN," I thought how fitting, as it is probably pronounced "AshCan," which is where all Muslims and the Koran belong. Let's be honest. Mohammed was a sham and fakir, a con artist who, if alive today,would be working for the carnival. As for the Koran, it has as much divine inspiration as the Amarillo, Texas yellow pages. If you truly are sincere about wanting to be saved from sin, then renounce that Satanic cult (you know, the one that vows to wipe out all Jews, much like Hitler did). You have the audacity to praise this "religion" when its main purpose is to fulfill the SAME purpose as the Nazis? And then you end by writing, "May GOD bless us all with more compassion for humanity." I find it amusing that someone who advocates annihilation of the Jews has the temerity to ask God to bless us all with more compassion. It starts at home, pal, not in your mosque. (Those things are about as architecturally asthetic as the local Wal-Mart, by the way.) Take a long hard look into your soul, if Muslims have one, and then read "Philemon's Problem," an excellent book which will instruct you in the nuances of Christianity. The book is only 110 pages, so I suspect even someone of your limited intellect might grasp it; if not, I will try to write a cliff notes version for you. Shalom from all Christians and Jews, Brother Thomas, OFLOBy the bye, we really do believe non-believers who have no respect for human life will burn in hell. I will pray for you, but, given how far you have been brain-washed, can't make any promises.

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