I want to personally welcome POOPAK to the new show called ZENDEGI on Rang A Rang TV. One post down , I have written about the show.Poopak is very cute , Hot and Smart. So far there are 4 people on this show Tehran ,Bardya, Mitra and Poopak. Thats some Four some!!!!LoL . Dont forget to watch ZENDEGI on Rang A Rang every Monday night, at a rather late time of night and its the only LIVE show done at that time of night!!!
Now to another subject yet relating to the Iranian TV stations:
I am so glad to see that finally all the back stabbings and trash talkings between these stations is over!!!!
Ofcourse as you probably know the statement above is an April's fool joke or as we Iranians say Joke Sizdah
Cause as Y'all probably know that stuff is far from over!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C I had the sattelite about 3 years ago, then we moved several times and I didnt have the sattelite for the past 2 years up until a couple of months ago!!!! I thought that all this stuff was over and that these stations had grown up!!! Well, I was wrong. Boy was I ever wrong!!!!!!!!!!!! The new and very recsent fight is between APPADANA INTERNATIONAL ( SATTAR DELDAR ) and CHANNEL ONE ( SHAHRAM HOMAYOON ).
Some one in APPADANA INTERNATIONAL has acused Shahram Homayoon of working for Jomhoori -E- Eslami !!!!
Now Shahram Homayoon is supposedly taking Sattar Deldar to court.
Why do I say supposedly?? Because, Comeone guys, Do you still fall for these bogus fights??? Am I the only one that thinks they are bogus??? I truely think that all of these stations are the best of friends with each other. These fights are supposed to entertain us and at the same time keep us divided up . It is a totally repeat, old and tired scenario. Fist it used to be between the SIASI TV's ( eg NITV ) and the non SIASI tv's ( eg IRAN TV ). Then they seperated theire sattelites for IRAN. This way the PHASE ONE of theire project to keep us Iranian's divided was succesfully done .
Now its between the SIASI tv's themselves!!!!!!!
Fo gods sake, all Im asking you guys is to not take these fights seriously. Do not let them win by coming between us!!!!!
Fever Free!
5 years ago